Headshot of Tim Goldstein, a White cis male with grey hair and facial hair who is wearing a white shirt and smiling at the camera.
Guest Speaker

Tim Goldstein

Neurodiverse Communication Specialist

Diagnosed with Asperger’s at 54, Tim Goldstein is a global trainer for a major tech company, a Neurodiverse Communications Specialist, and a Roger Love method vocal coach. He trains all employees neurotypical and neurodistinct how each other functions and strategies to communicate.

With deep experience in business and consulting, Tim, helps companies recognize and overcome the challenges to excelling the neurodistinct face. Using his Neuro Cloud™ concept, he explains the Spock-like logical approach common among many autistics. Tim has lectured on his concepts at Cornell, Vanderbilt, major global companies and coached privately. His book, Geeks Guide to Interviews: 15 Critical Items for the Technical Type, helps to better understand the challenges the autistic face in joining the workforce.