Headshot of Komal Bhasin, a South Asian woman with long, wavy black hair, nose stud, and black blazer
Guest Speaker

Dr. Komal Bhasin

Senior DEI Consultant & Mental Health Expert-in-Residence at bhasin consulting inc. and Founder at Insayva Inc.

Dr. Komal Bhasin [KOH-muhl bah-SEEN], MSW, MHSc, DocSocsci, is BCI’s Senior DEI Consultant and Mental Health Expert-in-Residence and an accomplished DEI facilitator, coach, and strategist. She has over 20 years of experience in providing strategic and advisory guidance and program development across a range of sectors, with a particular concentration in mental health equity, racial inclusion, and inclusive leadership. Komal is also the Founder of Insayva Inc., a social enterprise focused on providing accessible DEI and health equity support to charities and non-profit organizations.

Komal has extensive experience in creating and delivering programming in a range of DEI areas, and she has provided one-on-one inclusion coaching to hundreds of senior leaders, bringing a unique approach that is informed by her background as a therapist and expertise in racial inclusion. She previously held a faculty appointment at Ryerson University where she taught courses on social policy and social inclusion.

As a doctoral trained mental health clinician, certified health executive, and registered social worker, Komal works with organizations to advance employee mental health inclusion and wellbeing by offering programs on inclusive dialogue, anti-stigma, burnout prevention, psychological safety, resilience, and self-care.

Komal is committed to advancing mental health and wellness across the life course; she currently serves on the board of the Alzheimer’s Society of Ontario and previously served on the board of Children’s Mental Health Ontario and the YMCA of Greater Toronto. She is also a certified Yoga teacher specializing in mindfulness, resilience, and self-care.

When Komal is not working, you’ll find her painting, cooking, or snuggling with her cats.